Saturday, December 28, 2019

The 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionals

The 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionalsThe 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionalsAs a bunch, we human beings are strange creatures.We know climate change is melting the ice-caps, yet we keep the AC on full blast. We know too much ice cream will make us sick, yet we go back for seconds. And we know sleep is good for our health as theNational Sleep Foundationtells us, we should be getting 79 hours per night yet few of us get enough.This last one is especially true for professionals, who in the scramble to have both the work and social life they desire often see time spent in bed as the easiest thing to cut out on.Well, Im here to tell you that the era of burning the candles at both ends has burnt out. Study after study has told us just how good for us good sleep is it makes us more alert, more productive and all-around healthier, happier people. It improves our relationships, leaves us less vulnerable to illnesses and contributes positively to every aspect of o ur lives.Google, Ben Jerrys and Uber have all installed high-tech nap pods in their headquarters to allow their workers to catch up on lost Zs. If its good enough for those guys its good enough for you.Below are just three of the most harmful sleeping habits for professionals 1. Bringing your work to bedProfessionals are bringing work home with them sending emails from their laptops or smartphones in bed right up until they flick off the light. The result plays havoc with their sleep patterns.The blue light emitted by screens plays havoc with the bodies production of melatonin, the hormone which tells us when to get drowsy. It keeps us alert when we should be winding down.Secondly, the interactive nature of technology overstimulates the brain. Activities in the hour or two before bed should be gradually less and less stimulating, allowing the brain to enter a state of relaxation. Anything else will lead to difficulty getting to sleep and an increased gelegenheit of waking througho ut the night.The bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. Thats it. It should elend be an office away from the office.Too many professionals fail to switch off in the evening and as a result, they fail to nod off.The solutionkeep work and your electronics out of the bedroom.2. Over-reliance on caffeineAh, the takeaway coffee cup. Look around your next meeting, chances are over half of the people in the room are sipping from one.A status symbol for some, maybe, but for most professionals, its simply an essential means of making it through the day.Coffee isnot inherently bad for you. In moderation, its great it can improve memory, boost alertness and even detoxify the liver. The problem is that caffeine is a stronger drug and stays in the ordnungsprinzip far longer than most people realize. As a result, caffeine often plays a role in preventing professionals from sleeping well in the evening.Waking up groggy, the same individuals then turn to a double espresso to give them the hit of energy that a good nights sleep wouldve provided for free.Whats worse is that over time individuals will have to consume more and more coffee to get the same impact. Meaning they will likely be getting less and less sleep making for a cruel cycle.My advice dont touch the black stuff after midday. Its called a morning coffee for a reason.With the money you save from shunning the expensive macchiatos, why not invest in a nice new mattress? If you do go bed shopping soon there are somesurprising new dangersyou need to be aware of.3. Disrespecting your bedtimeProfessionals have the horrible habit of disrespecting their bedtimes. The consequence is that many sleep poorly.Bedtimes are not just for kids. The human body absolutely adores gebtheit. When we are asleep our bodies go to work, repairing and rejuvenating us in preparation for the following day. This process works far more smoothly if we adopt regular sleep patterns.Physically, our muscle tissue is repaired while s leeping, whilst even more important processes take place in our brain. Our memories are consolidated, neurological connections are strengthened and adenosine, the chemical produced by our neurons during the day that makes us drowsy is flushed away meaning we are bright, alert and ready for work come morning.A quick rule of thumb determine when you absolutely have to be up for work and then work back 8.5 hours that, my friend, is your new healthy bedtime. Stick to it (Pssstif all of these calculations confuse you, fear not theres an app for that)If you recognize any of the above from your own life, all it takes is a few small changes to your routine and your sleep will thank you for it. The impact on your health and productivity will be huge.Hey, Im Sarah. My mission is to get the world to see just how happy, healthy and productive we can all be after a good nights rest - together with my friends, Ive created a great resource to help.This column was originally published on BossedU

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