Saturday, December 28, 2019

The 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionals

The 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionalsThe 3 most harmful sleeping habits for professionalsAs a bunch, we human beings are strange creatures.We know climate change is melting the ice-caps, yet we keep the AC on full blast. We know too much ice cream will make us sick, yet we go back for seconds. And we know sleep is good for our health as theNational Sleep Foundationtells us, we should be getting 79 hours per night yet few of us get enough.This last one is especially true for professionals, who in the scramble to have both the work and social life they desire often see time spent in bed as the easiest thing to cut out on.Well, Im here to tell you that the era of burning the candles at both ends has burnt out. Study after study has told us just how good for us good sleep is it makes us more alert, more productive and all-around healthier, happier people. It improves our relationships, leaves us less vulnerable to illnesses and contributes positively to every aspect of o ur lives.Google, Ben Jerrys and Uber have all installed high-tech nap pods in their headquarters to allow their workers to catch up on lost Zs. If its good enough for those guys its good enough for you.Below are just three of the most harmful sleeping habits for professionals 1. Bringing your work to bedProfessionals are bringing work home with them sending emails from their laptops or smartphones in bed right up until they flick off the light. The result plays havoc with their sleep patterns.The blue light emitted by screens plays havoc with the bodies production of melatonin, the hormone which tells us when to get drowsy. It keeps us alert when we should be winding down.Secondly, the interactive nature of technology overstimulates the brain. Activities in the hour or two before bed should be gradually less and less stimulating, allowing the brain to enter a state of relaxation. Anything else will lead to difficulty getting to sleep and an increased gelegenheit of waking througho ut the night.The bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. Thats it. It should elend be an office away from the office.Too many professionals fail to switch off in the evening and as a result, they fail to nod off.The solutionkeep work and your electronics out of the bedroom.2. Over-reliance on caffeineAh, the takeaway coffee cup. Look around your next meeting, chances are over half of the people in the room are sipping from one.A status symbol for some, maybe, but for most professionals, its simply an essential means of making it through the day.Coffee isnot inherently bad for you. In moderation, its great it can improve memory, boost alertness and even detoxify the liver. The problem is that caffeine is a stronger drug and stays in the ordnungsprinzip far longer than most people realize. As a result, caffeine often plays a role in preventing professionals from sleeping well in the evening.Waking up groggy, the same individuals then turn to a double espresso to give them the hit of energy that a good nights sleep wouldve provided for free.Whats worse is that over time individuals will have to consume more and more coffee to get the same impact. Meaning they will likely be getting less and less sleep making for a cruel cycle.My advice dont touch the black stuff after midday. Its called a morning coffee for a reason.With the money you save from shunning the expensive macchiatos, why not invest in a nice new mattress? If you do go bed shopping soon there are somesurprising new dangersyou need to be aware of.3. Disrespecting your bedtimeProfessionals have the horrible habit of disrespecting their bedtimes. The consequence is that many sleep poorly.Bedtimes are not just for kids. The human body absolutely adores gebtheit. When we are asleep our bodies go to work, repairing and rejuvenating us in preparation for the following day. This process works far more smoothly if we adopt regular sleep patterns.Physically, our muscle tissue is repaired while s leeping, whilst even more important processes take place in our brain. Our memories are consolidated, neurological connections are strengthened and adenosine, the chemical produced by our neurons during the day that makes us drowsy is flushed away meaning we are bright, alert and ready for work come morning.A quick rule of thumb determine when you absolutely have to be up for work and then work back 8.5 hours that, my friend, is your new healthy bedtime. Stick to it (Pssstif all of these calculations confuse you, fear not theres an app for that)If you recognize any of the above from your own life, all it takes is a few small changes to your routine and your sleep will thank you for it. The impact on your health and productivity will be huge.Hey, Im Sarah. My mission is to get the world to see just how happy, healthy and productive we can all be after a good nights rest - together with my friends, Ive created a great resource to help.This column was originally published on BossedU

Monday, December 23, 2019

Profanity How swearing at work can help you succeed

Profanity How swearing at work can help you succeedProfanity How swearing at work can help you succeedHave you ever accidentally cursed at your desk or while talking to a coworker? Good news it turns out that swearing at work might elend be such a bad thing. In fact, if used appropriately, profanity can even be an effective tool. Benjamin Bergen, a professor of cognitive science at U.C. San Diego and the author of What the F, spoke to Ladders about the surprising power of profanity in the workplace.Ladders What is profanitys role in the workplace?Bergen Profanity can serve many functions. It serves to lighten a situation, to create levity, and to decrease the stress or zug in a setting. It makes you feel like youre in a mora casual dialogue in a more casual setting.Itsalso used to motivate. When people use profanity, its often because theyre experiencing strong emotions. Ive talked to people who are leaders in their companies who say that they use profanity specifically to demonstrat e that they are emotionally engaged in a particular topic.Theres also power dynamics involved in swearing. People who have more power in any situation- including a workplace- have more latitude to use words that violate typical social norms. The babo has more latitude to use colorful language than the intern does.When is it not appropriate to swear at work?We think of profanity as a homogenous thing, but its not. The type of profanity that people find acceptable in a workplace setting is uses that are merely expressing an emotion or being funny, personable, or informal.The thing thats much more controversial is to use profanity in ways directed toward other people. Thats no longer an expression of someones emotion but is bordering on aggression. The other type of language that people often object to in a workplace setting is language thats abusive orderogative.What does profanity say about someone?We dont know a lot about what profanity reveals about the person who uses it, because its hard to make someone swear spontaneously. But we do know a lot about how its perceived by others.You can be perceived as more comfortable, more powerful, and more honest. But in the right circumstances, you can also be perceived as more out of control, more emotional than rational, and unhinged.One thing that seems to push peoples impressions in one direction or the other is their preexisting beliefs about that person. As a consequence, the use of profanity really needs to be tailored to the audience and the situation.Does gender matter?In studies, women respondents do not seem to be particularly affected by men or women swearing. Men who are asked to respond to men and women swearing find female speakers to be more emotional, more out of control, more norm violators when they swear than they find men to be when they swear.Theres this common belief that many of us have that womens language is or should be more conservative than mens language. Men have a little bit more liberty t o be coarse.Why is profanity so powerful?Its breaking a rule. Weve been told since childhood that theres language thats bad.As a result, when people do swear, its a very visible violation of this social norm.Theres also a physiological dimension. Weve internalized those lessons that we gained in childhood, and our bodies react emotionally to profanity.When I hear someone swear, my blood pressure increases, my heart rate increases, my palms start sweating. Its the activation of something like a fight-or-flight response. Our bodies react, and we have this jolt of emotional arousal when we hear profanity, and thats a tool that people can use to emotionally engage other people.Do you use profanity at work?Ido it consistently. I teach a couple of large undergraduate classes, and one of those classes has more than 350 students. I cant be responsive to all 350 of them necessarily, but one thing that I can do is use casual language. So I make sure to swear once per lecture.If I mess up, Ill swear about it. If Im talking about the failings of a certain computational model or theory, or Im trying to make a point about how lousy something is, then I might swear.With 18- to 22-year olds, who arent necessarily expecting it in that context, it really works wonders. You look at the course evaluations, and they say things like Hes funny or Hes a great guy. They have no idea if Im a great guy or not- Im probably a terrible guy. But in part because of this casual use of language, they feel like they have more of a connection to a person standing 150 feet away from them.I also use it in conversations with other faculty. I might not use itin a faculty meeting, which feels like more of a formal situation.But when Im talking about the results of some experiment with my colleagues down the hall, Ill speak causally.That makes it easier to do all of the business stuff that we have to do. When we go to go into a committee meeting and have to make a decision where we might not agree wit h each other, if we have this casual social relationship, it might be easier for us to hash it out. Well have more common ground, and well have more trust in each other, and maybe things will work better.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

8 ways not to screw up Chinese business etiquette

8 ways bedrngnis to screw up Chinese business etiquette8 ways not to screw up Chinese business etiquetteAfter reading about the 9 Steps to the Confident Hire Me handshake, a Ladders reader wrote in for help with an upcoming interview business trip to China. As more companies explore doing business in China- and Mandarin becomes popular for sophisticated professionals - understanding the business customs of the growing staat can be a big boost.As a first-time visitor to China, our reader wondered how to greet the person interviewing him, his hiring manager and others on the team. More than that, he wondered if the etiquette is the same as in the U.S., Canada and Europe. We asked Stefan Verstappen, author of Chinese Business Etiquette, for some quick tips on the topic. Dont worrySince Chinese culture in general can be incredibly nuanced and complicated, Verstappen suggested not worrying about every detail since even most modern Chinese businesspeople dont know or adhere to every smal l detail. Chinas business culture is a growing one and etiquette is still being smoothed out.Wait to shakeWhen meeting people for the first time, your safest bet is to wait until the person in authority offers to shake hands and then follow their lead. Verstappen explains that the Chinese didnt use to touch each other at all when meeting, and instead used to bow with the right fist inside the left hand. In fact, Close physical contact wasnt part of their tradition but was adopted during the turn of the century, and even more so the more Westernized they become. As things evolved, Verstappen says It used to be you would only shake hands with men, not with women since it wasnt considered appropriate to touch women at all. As China becomes more modernized, women continue to demand to become active in business culture. So, what does all this evolving etiquette mean for you? Your best bet is to wait until they offer to shake hands, and if not, dont. Follow the leaderYou dont have to worr y about being perceived as being rude or ignorant. Verstappen explains in China, all social obligations are on the host. Its not your job to try to make connections. Youre there as a guest, so its up to them to make connections with you. Which is a huge relief if youre already nervous about making a great impression.Bow downMeanwhile, if someone bows to you, you dont necessarily have to follow suit, surprisingly. It really depends on the situation. Verstappen says that bowing back is fine, especially since a majority of the time it wont be a formal bow, but rather more of a nod. If they do a big bow, its probably because its a formal occasion like a state dinner, so you can bow in return. As for that small bow thats more of a nod? Verstappen says The head nod is sometimes a nervous thing and you can almost ignore it if youre unsure how to react. Speak up and observe hierarchyAnd dont worry about speaking if in fact youre there to give the presentation. When you do though, start by a ddressing the most senior person in the room. As Verstappen puts it seniority has seniority, so theyll probably be the first ones to do the talking, unless they delegate it to one of the secretaries. He also refers to the differences in deferential attitude paid to those with age and experience in China vs. Western countries If youre addressing a group of people, you should always address the oldest person first, even if the oldest person isnt the babo. Verstappen continues, Here in the West, the older you are, the more useless you become. In China, the older you become the wiser you are, the more deference you receive. Talk first to the oldest person, even if its a few words, and then talk to the boss. Drink the same amount as your host doesTo be on the safe side, you should always limit what you drink. Verstappen says Typically, they will have a toast to you. At that point The senior person at the table, or the boss will raise a glass to you. Theyll hold it in their right hand and will use the fingers of their left hand to touch the bottom of the glass. Two hands must touch the glass, theyll raise it up to you and say something. And in case youre wondering how much drinking is okay, you should take your cue from your host and Drink as much as the host does. If he downs it, you down it if he takes a sip, then you take a sip.You wont screw up Relax. No matter how badly you think you goofed, you probably didnt. Verstappen assures us that in China, they understand that you dont get their culture and because youre not Chinese youre exempt from the protocols. That said, you will get brownie points for making an effort Knowing some protocols and etiquette and how to interact with your Chinese hosts goes a long way toward advancing your reputation. So, while youre okay no matter what you do, if you actually take the time to learn some Chinese business customs, their opinion of you will be vastly improved. Keep luck on your sideVerstappen explains that the Chinese ca n be very superstitious, so whatever you do, Dont do anything unlucky. You can screw up on the protocols or the etiquette, but if you do something unlucky thats taken as a sign. As cultures evolve, Verstappen says that even Chinese people in engineering and tech hold onto some superstitions. They figure its better to be safe. To that endDont wrap a gift in white paper If youre bringing a gift for your host, or send a thank you follow up, dont wrap it in white paper since white paper is for funerals according to Verstappen. A better bet is to use red giftwrap since red is considered a lucky color.Avoid fours in any form In Chinese, the word for four is nearly identical to the word for death, so try not to bring four of anything to a meeting or appointment. In fact, you may notice that theres no 14th floor in some Chinese building. Guess JAY-Zs management team didnt take that into account when naming his latest release. Dont close deals during Ghost Month Unlike Shark Week, Ghost Mont h lives beyond the confines of popular culture. While its not necessarily part of everyday belief, Verstappen explains that Ghost Month is a time in the late summer or early fall when hell releases all the ghosts, and they want to eat from the living. So, you might see fully set tables with elaborate meals set up in front of peoples homes, enticing potentially malevolent wandering spirits to dine outside and avoid making mischief for the locals. While its an older tradition thats starting to fade, many people are still skittish about closing deals during Ghost Month, since all business deals during that time are considered unlucky. *Incidentally, 8 is considered a good luck number in China and the symbol for eternity. Use it often.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Job Seekers, Watch Out Reshipping Job Scams

Job Seekers, Watch Out Reshipping Job ScamsJob Seekers, Watch Out Reshipping Job Scams6For those unfamiliar with reshipping scams, heres how it works you apply to a job posting for a company (usually U.S.-based) as a reshipper. You will receive packages at your home that are often filled with tech devices such as laptops, iPhones, etc. Youll open these packages, sometimes testing to ensure that they work, and then repackage them and ship them to an overseas location.Seems fairly legit, right? Wrong. The packages contain items that have been purchased with stolen credit cards. But why would these items be sent to you and not to another address? Well, the scammers need someone (i.e., a mule) to help them smuggle the goods out of the country.If that werent bad enough, youre also asked to fill out a W-2 or a 1099 form that includes, you guessed it, your personal information such as your name, address, social security number, and bank account. Not only are you at risk of having your infor mation stolen (and then used to purchase similar items that youre repackaging), but you could potentially get sued for your parte in a crime (i.e., robbery) or even mail fraud, since the postage labels for reshipping can also be bogus. And if you do receive a check, it will most likely be counterfeit, so you wont get paid for your work.Here are some tips on how to spot the warning signs of reshipping job scamsKnow the lingo. If you want to make sure that you dont fall prey to a reshipping scam, as this local news story describes, you first need to know how the job scammers advertise for the position. While they might list the job ad as a reshipper, that term has now become synonymous with job scams. So you might come across a job description for a merchandising manager or a package processing assistant. Some of the duties might include receiving, processing, and mailing packages to a foreign address using pre-paid postage mailing labels that are provided by email. So keep an eye out for these job titles or responsibilities in order to steer clear of a reshipping scam.Use common sense. If you come across a job description for a reshipper, you should ask yourself this why would a company pay me to open a box and then ship it to another location? Wouldnt it make more sense to simply ship it directly? Companies worldwide often offer free shipping, so to have a package shipped twice doesnt add up. Before you apply for any job, read through the job description carefully, and use your judgment. If any part of it doesnt make sense or seems dodgy, stay awayUse reputable job search boards.Job scammers are slick- they advertise on big job search boards because they want to attract the most people (i.e., victims) to apply and work for them. Thats why you should always use niche job search boards, particularly when youre looking for work-at-home jobs, which is what the reshipping scam is. Sites like ensure that each and every job is hand-screened to avoid any potential jo b scams.You can browse hand-screened flexible jobs in over 50 categories by visiting our jobs page.Contact the BBB. Lets say you find a job posting with a company that seems pretty amazing. There arent any real red flags to be concerned about, but you still want to make sure youre not innocently falling into a job scam. You should absolutely contact the Better Business Bureau, particularly if youre applying for a job with a company you havent heard of before. And if scammers claim to work for a large, well-known company, you can always contact that companys HR department directly to make sure the job youre applying for is real- and not a job scam.Readers, have you ever been the victim of reshipping job scams or seen ads for jobs like this? Let us know what happened in the comments below

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Basics of Nursing Resume Samples

The Basics of Nursing Resume Samples For instance, you can speak about yur nursing career targets and explain past achievements which might not be directly nursing related, but still act as examples of your work ethic and capacity to learn. On occasion the work description will inform you that a skill is desirable or mandatory. Its not necessary to list all of the job you worked. When you would like to locate an extremely good resume aid, you may simply follow our lead. The resume format sample ought to be carried out well. Together with mentioning the work type, if youll give a tiny description of your work in the cv then it is going to be best too. Due to sample nurse resume templates, you dont have to compose your CV from scratch. While My Best Job application gives you the text, it cannot offer you all of the details essential to make your continue standout. Nursing Resume Samples at a Glance Your new grad Nursing resume objective may most likely be the most essenti al feature of your application as it will platzdeckchen the tone for the remainder of your content especially in the way its been formatted. If you would want to produce a curriculum vitae, then you need to stick to a specific resume format that you can discover on the net. Writing work application to acquire employment in the artwork market can be challenging. Once your resume is prepared to go, youre wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. Its possible to still prove that youre fantastic for the job. It is crucial that you tailor your resume for each job application to raise the fit between you, the job and the employer. Nursing Resume Samples Secrets Writing general duties is a typical mistake because applicants think that nursing is comparable to distinct hospitals and departments, but in fact, your duties will differ between different facilities. Writing a nursing resume can be challenging. In fact, the education relevant to your nursi ng career is more appropriate and the very best location to start off with. Your resume should discuss the way the practical wisdom and hands-on training you received allow you to present excellent patient care. The best way to discover an RN job is to search online for an appropriate position. Utilizing the resume examples weve developed, its simple to create your RN resume far better. Since you are searching for a new grad RN resume to apply for employment in the USA, you may want to check out what we have to offer on our site. If you anticipate writing a new grad RN resume, it is better that you begin by searching for a sample to follow. Hiring managers arent so inspired to write what motivates you to be a nurse or several other stories. Detecting a job in the medical industry wont be difficult if your New Grad Nursing resume has all of the vital details on your abilities and other qualifications. In general, considering all of the nursing positions in various company and a cross the many specializations, theres a tremendous prospect for job seekers in the nursing field. Heres What I Know About Nursing Resume Samples If this is the case, you could be on the hunt for the ideal RN resume example to assist you in making that next step you take the most suitable one. A resume is basically a succinct overview of your professional qualifications. Job application services chance to be throughout the internet, which means you may have come across My Perfect Application. Nurses can wind up with lots of qualifications and certifications. Medical staff should have plenty of medical understanding, and will need to have the ability to execute certain techniques (like giving vaccines and illustrating blood). In some places, the work market for nurses are often quite tough. A nurse is an expert operating in locations where sanitation and procedure are a portion of the fast-paced surroundings.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The 30-Second Trick for Start Resume Writing Service

The 30-Second Trick for departure Resume Writing Service A resume mill is a service that provides cheap resumes with a quick turnaround time. Theres so much info on resumes, that in the event that you read 30 unique sources, youre likely going to discover 30 distinct opinions. In starting a resume writing business, you should really learn to write resumes for various professions. You ought to be convinced that you understand how to compose powerful and result-generating resumes. The Characteristics of Start Resume Writing Service Contrary to other kinds of writing, copywriting demands an understanding of what entices people to react to promotional materials. There are a couple routes you may take with resume writing. It is one profession that is especially suited to people who want flexibility in where, how, and when they work. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Start Resume Writing Service Time management can help you to determine the solution, work done and can impress yo ur clientele. Offering free resume reviews is one method to discover clients. You Need Experience Experience is vital. Folks often downplay themselves, its your job for a writer to obtain the nitty-gritty information and make your client a star. People are constantly searching for jobs. Youll need a certain quantity of people skills to entice clients, but the results will matter much more than how friendly and personable youre. You may have to settle for lower pay in the start, but after you have experience and referrals, you can boost your rates or seek higher paying writing work. The rest of the expenses associated with your company will depend on how you promote it. Within 6 months of the buy date, clients can request a complete refund at any moment. Think of bonuses which you can bundle together with your expert services. Dont forget to concentrate on responsibilities and achievements pertinent to the job that youre applying for My site is your very best solution i f you are fighting with the decision on which service you need to select. So you need to be able to supply a resume and cover letter service which gives them the additional professionalism they cannot come up with on their own. Yes, a resume service would be useful, but it might not be necessary if your finances are especially tight. So you opted to begin applying for employment, and you needresume help. Everybody goes through the procedure of locating a job sooner or later in a career. Well, starting a business required some sum of dedication, market research, whats your strengths and weaknesses and the way you find your very first clients. Staying in contact with your clients is among the most important facets to cultivating an active resume-writing enterprise. The list of services isnt extensive. The services are essentially the very same as the ones it is possible to get on other high-quality sites. Because marketing is frequently a component of internet content, you ought to have a simple understanding of search engine optimization or are ready to learn, you may have the ability to command a greater rate writing keyword rich web content. Always remember to eliminate private information from the samples you use on the site. Whatever They Told You About Start Resume Writing Service Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Many job listings also incorporate a minimum education requirement, too. You dont need to offer details about every little position you have at any time held. Job searching may be depressing and durable procedure, especially if one wants to have a government job. For job seekers at the executive level, choosing an executive resume service is a wise investment that could decrease the time that it requires to land the ideal job. If youre looking for a higher-end provider, please see the top 10 list mentioned previously. Every job differs so that you want to study the organization or companies that the client wishes to apply too. D ont neglect to add your professional social networking accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if youre looking for work in IT or Marketing.